During the Exam


When I'm writing my scripts and drawing diagrams it can sometimes get a bit confusing and I was wondering whether we were allowed to use pens other than black (blue/green etc) to make it clearer? I've looked on the main website and seen nothing about it and nothing is written about it on the front of the paper like other exams.



I will double check, but I am pretty sure that you can use other colour pens. STEP is still marked on the actual scripts, unlike most other exams which are scanned and marked on line. This is why most exam boards insist on black pen as other pens (and pencil!) do not always scan well.

Coloured pens

That's right: we don't scan the scripts (they may be photocopied, but most colours photocopy well), so colour doesn't matter from that point of view. But we mark in red and the examiner in charge may correct marks in green, so best not to use red or green. (If you write in exclusively in red and green, you will still get the marks to which you are entitled).