

So when I first signed up onto STEP I had low expectations of myself and was not expecting to be able to get in to Oxbridge. However, after receiving my results and seeing they were straight As and thinking more deeply about my university choices, I have decided to set it upon myself to try my best of getting into Oxbridge as I think I now stand a fair chance. I have been fairly passive with the STEP assignments and have had a fair crack at them every now and then and had a look at the post-mortems.

However, my attitude has now changed completely towards STEP as my aspirations have risen drastically and I have become a lot more serious about it, and I was wondering if it would be possible to start again and send in assignments from the start, as I want to get the most I can from this course.


Concentrate on the Current ones

Welcome back!

Please can you make sure that you meet the current assignment deadlines rather than spend your time on the old ones. If you have spare time after doing the current one then do feel free to revisit the old ones, but do the current ones first!


To expand on what he said, if

To expand on what he said, if we complete the current ones and the complete past assignments and upload the past assignments to moodle, will they also be marked?



Unfortunately we only have enough resources to mark the current assignments with such a large cohort. Moodle will not allow you to send in old assignments.

The old postmortems will be returning to the website shortly and do please work through the old assignments (if you have time, not at the expense of the current ones) and read through the postmortems afterwards.