Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
I'm noticing a bizarre trend in the assignments, which is that in my experience the STEP question is always by far the easiest part of them. Is this intentional, or am I alone in this?
Please visit to find revised versions of the assignments and extra supporting material.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
I'm noticing a bizarre trend in the assignments, which is that in my experience the STEP question is always by far the easiest part of them. Is this intentional, or am I alone in this?
Not intentional, but not entirely surprising
Submitted by cxm on
The preparation is designed to make the STEP question approachable, so often you will have done a lot of the thinking needed whilst answering question 2. Question 2 therefore might need quite a lot of effort, but once you have done that you are applying the same techniques to question 3 and as you have already practised them it should be more straight forward. The STEP question is the only question on the assignment that you have been "prepared" for.
One of the major barriers people encounter is lack of confidence. A STEP question on it's own is rather daunting. One of the things we are trying to do is to show you that STEP questions can be done!
The warm downs are the sort of thing that some people will find the easiest question on the assignment, and some people will find the hardest.