FP3 Question


In the FP3 textbook (AQA) is says the auxiliary equation for this is
I'm just wondering how you get to this :)

I differentiated with respect

I differentiated with respect to x which leads to k3+n2=0
so still a bit lost.

Auxiliary equations

Substitute y=ekx into the differential equation and you get the auxiliary equation.

You can also do this for the second order differential equations with constant coefficients to get ak2+bk+c=0



x and y

would that not only work if the equation was this:

My bad.

I misread the question.
For the other differential equation,
I'm fairly certain you can integrate it twice.
Could it be a typo in the textbook? Should that x have been a y?

I thought that too

I thought it was a typo but I found it cropping up somewhere else as well - I doubt it will come up at all but it's a bit weird - Thanks :D

Auxiliary equation

Certainly a typo. The idea of an auxiliary equation only applies to linear equations with constant coefficients (or related equations). As someone above says, if the equation is really
you would just integrate twice to get y=n2x3/6+Ax+B: no auxiliary equation required.